Friday, February 25, 2011

Fuggedabout MSWin. How about OpenSync?

Having given up temporarily on MSWin sync for the N8 or N900 we undertake opensync. 

is an excellent guide for Bluetooth sync with the E70.

We adapt it here for our machines.

+ Download and install:
    - libsyncml
    - libsyncml-tools
    - libopensync
    - libopensync-plugin:
    - libopensync-tools

libopensync-plugin-kdepim is problematic as it no longer seems to exist.

The multisync-gui is nothing more than a text editor for the configuration files.

+ First create a group to sync your nokia:
    msynctool --addgroup sync_nokia2file

 + List all plugins available to sync your phone:
    msynctool --listplugins

    This returns:
        Available plugins:

+ Now add three members to the group sync_nokia2file:
    msynctool --addmember sync_nokia2file file-sync
    msynctool --addmember sync_nokia2file syncml-obex-client
    msynctool --addmember sync_nokia2file evo2-sync

Clearly this command is in the form of
    msynctool -addmember $groupname $plugin-name

+ Create a directory to store your files:
    mkdir ~/files_from_nokia

+ Set up the phone to sync. My N8 uses
        > Connectivity
            > USB > Nokia Ovi Suite
            > Data Transfer
                > Sync
                    x Contacts
                    x Calendar
                    x Notes
                    x Bookmarks

 + Detect your phone
    hcitool scan    This returns
        Scanning ...
                E0:A6:70:FE:9B:DC       Andy's N8

+ Now get all services available on this phone:
    sdptool browse E0:A6:70:FE:9B:DC | less

    This returns a very long list (253 lines in my case) of services, listed in the sub-tab Services. The |less pipe lets you scroll up and down the list using up and down arrows.

Of particular interest are:

Service Name: SyncMLClient
    Channel: 6

The author states:
Some interesting Nokia code to retrieve information about MAC address:
      #2820#: get the Bluetooth MAC adress
      #62209526#: get the WLAN Mac address

 But at present I do not know how to apply that information.

The service name "SyncMLClient" is the service used for file transfer. It's channel 6 in my case. also helpful in reaffirming that this is the channel of interest:
    Scroll through until you come to the section referring to "SyncMLClient" (NOT the "Nokia SyncML Server" or "SyncML DM Client"). Note down the Channel shown.

+ Now we have to configure all members of the group sync_nokia2file.

+ First is the configuration file that describe the path to future files. Do
    msynctool --configure sync_nokia2file 1

    This should open the vi text editor, where you can enter the configuration data for the member.  
vi isn't very difficult, just arcane.
is just one of zillions of vi howto URLs. These are the key commands needed to process this:
    i    Insert text
    Esc    Exit insert mode
    u    undo whatever you just did
    ← →    Left, Up, Right, Down moves in those directions
    :wq    The colon indicates a command, so write quit

If you'd rather not use vi then this file can be opened with kate or any other text editor at    /home/$user/.opensync/group1/1/file-sync.conf
where $user is your username.

+ Next is to define the channels for a number of services, obviously more difficult.

First, find the available USB services (as root):
    syncml-obex-client -u    This returns:
    Superuser privileges are required to access complete USB information.
    Found 4 USB OBEX interfaces
    Interface 0:
            Manufacturer: Nokia
            Product: N8-00
            Interface description: SYNCML-SYNC
    Interface 1:
            Manufacturer: Nokia
            Product: N8-00
            Interface description: PC Suite Services
    Interface 2:
            Manufacturer: Nokia
            Product: N8-00
            Interface description: SYNCML-DM
    Interface 3:
            Manufacturer: Nokia
            Product: N8-00
            Interface description: Haptics Bridge
    Use '-u interface_number' to connect

Then configure the obex client.
    msynctool --configure sync_nokia2file 2

This step is necessary to create the file, but again, you can avoid vi by exiting and with a text editor modifying

    This has a large number of parameters. Mine are available on request. Read and follow the prompts in this file. I left most things as the default.

Next configure the evolution client.
    msynctool --configure sync_nokia2file 3    

Again, this is necessary to create the file, but you can avoid vi with a text editor modifying

+ To get a resume of your configuration just do a:
    msynctool --showgroup sync_nokia2file

+ Now all is configured: just sync your date from your phone to your computer:
    msynctool --sync sync_nokia2file

Oops. No joy:

Clients 1 and 3 connect, Client 2 does not.

So tomorrow is another day.


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