Sunday, November 14, 2010

Transition is always a traumatic thing. And so it is now.

My sense is that I lived one life from 0-13 years of age, another from 14-22, another from 23-37, another from 38-60, another from 61-67, and now another from now to ... Whenever next.

Each was a complete package, with a clear delineation between it and the next, so easily archivable and forgotten, for better or worse.

I did read in the Times today that a broken heart really can kill you. The Times have decided to get pugnacious (idiots) and try to charge for their web content (so pound sand) so I can't give you their link. But the article is virulent:

(Hullo, Times, do you understand that you are expendable? Idiots...)

Each of these phases were accompanied by some measure of the "broken heart" syndrome.

To find that I am still alive and well despite all that is rather amazing. At least to me.


So at this point I am obviously entering another phase, starting another package.

There is nothing wrong with my brain, and little wrong with my body, but I have not been able to find a suitable job.

Now, granted, that there are a lot of jobs out there, but the operative phrase is "suitable". I have resources so shall not starve, but it was a lot more fun earning what I did before.

But I have not folded the tent. So we shall see.

The plan is to Keep Calm and Carry On and see what the future brings.

At present, I am in the UK attending to the boat. And finding it all exceedingly comfortable, a complete experience of "coming home". Lots of people who look a lot like me doing the things I love to do.

And so it was in the Netherlands, and to a lesser extent, in France.

Went to the Anglers Inn on the edge of the river Thames by Walton-on-Thames and spent about four hours having a thymed lamb roast and a couple of pints of Hobgoblin, watching the families and their children, all blonde and pointy-chinned and mostly blue-eyed.

Basically people just going along, doing their thing, little girls in pretty dresses, little boys stomping in the mud in their wellies, people just being people and loving one another.
As it should be.


So, smile, share, and be kind. Do not let the remaining 2% of the world take you down.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Media

We've had a good New Media day. We got a new website up yesterday due to popular acclaim and linked it here (I need to figure out to easily link here to there:

Spent a good part of the day "fixing" DNS settings and Thunderbird.

The DNS (Domain Name Server) settings are handled through Pretty good service, but there is some latency in becoming familiar with all the terminology.

For example, consider the domain

You can create a zillion sub-domains, like

and any number of subdomains: pat., penny., christina., etc.

And then you can have sub-subdomains, like:

And so forth.

you can use the A (address) record to point a subdomain at an Internet Protocol (IP) address.

This is good in that an IP address (IPA) is very, very explicit.

But this is bad in that some services change the numerical address regularly despite keeping a fixed canonical name (CNAME), such as

Now, I don't yet really know, but my guess (without further googling) is that ghs stands for Google Hosting Service. And a clever bit of kit is is:

You enter as your target CNAME in your DNS hosting service (e.g., Then on the other side of the link (in Google itself) you tell Google what DNS names they should expect to have come knocking at their door.

And it works.

A few whines:
  • The site only allows the numerical IPA in the A record. So you have to ping to find that number (currently
  • Their CNAME section allows you to put in the CNAME, e.g., sites/ is
  • But you can't do both: either the numerical A record or the generic CNAME but not both. I'm not sanguine that they will always use the same IPA for, so it would be better to be able to include the CNAME in the A record but it is what it is. We shall see.

Once past setting up the site and the DNS (the web works [ and some others] but still need to solve email) it was on to fixing Thunderbird.

GMail defaults to the IMAP protocol, which leaves all your email on the server. But aside from privacy issues, it is a PITA in that you get all kinds of duplicates. Very confusing. Better to have a POP account that downloads your mail and then you are then responsible for your destiny. (I found a number of I HATE IMAP sites, but I digress). So I set out to kill this particular bête noir. And succeeded.

But as they say, it's easy if you know how, but if not then a challenge. First you have to create a new account and then notice the tiny little Edit button that lets you change a drop down button from IMAP to POP and then change your home directory for the file and then change the IPA for the server and then...

Well, I won't spoil your fun, figure it out, but rest assured, it can be done.


In the process, I recovered a former gmail account file (the last POP file I had successfully attained) that had some very precious work-related messages that I had thought I had lost forever. The sender had moved on so could not be asked to repeat them, nevermind the embarassment of having to ask him to do so...

So I was well pleased with myself... :-)


OK, with all those bragging rights, then I set about cleaning up and reconciling the several POP, IMAP, POP3, IMAP-1, and so forth files. I figured out that deleting the various .msf index files does no harm and allows them to be rebuilt based on the raw data files, e.g., Mail, Sent, Drafts, etc. But after reviewing those accounts and transferring to Local Folders or deleting all their files the data files were still in huge fractions of gigabytes in size. What's going on?!!

Well, just a bit more googling solved it: You have to compact.

And now they are all tiny.


OK, so while we're bragging, we did realize that with all this consolidation we were generating a whole bunch of duplicates in the various folders of Local Folders. So google again, and we first found a Thunderbird addon something like Remove Duplicates (Alternative) with five stars. Woohoo!

Except I couldn't make it work. So then I tried
     Remove Duplicate Messages
that works a charm. It even looks across subdirectories to find the dupes, then lists them with its recommendations: delete this, save that.

Of course by now, what with consolidating some four different email accounts over some eight years, I had thousands of dupes, but checking the first few results, they seemed really to make sense. So, close my eyes and (it turns out I had some 60,000 messages) click Delete Selected so that now, poof!, there are only 19,182 left...

The 40,000 are gone, but safely gone, to Trash, so if you really want to wade through some 40,000 messages then you are welcome to do so. Knock yourself out, but also go to counseling for being seriously anal-retentive, and that advice from an accomplished AR veteran.


So, all in all a very good day:
  • DNS solved
  • POP/IMAP solved
  • Critical files recovered
  • Files reconciled
  • Strong recommendation for a work well done:
          Thunderbird Add-on Remove Duplicate Messages


Oh, and OBTW, is really sweet. Well done.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

OpenSuSE 11.2 and VMWare Printing

To add a printer to the VMWare VM:
  • Ensure the VM is secured.
  • Edit Virtual Machine Settings
  • Add ...
  • Printer
  • Power on This Virtual Machine
There are then two choices hp#1 and OfficeJet_6400. hp#1 complains about margins and doesn't print even if you answer yes to the query. Officejet_6400 doesn't complain but prints a header page and then prints the page half an inch too low.

OK, try using these on just plain Linux:
No change, it does not print

prints the header

%% [ ProductName: GPL Ghostscript ]%%
resulting in the actual print being again too low. We may be able to suppress the header, which would fix both problems.

So it is not a VMware or Windows problem per se, rather something with the Linux setup.

Checking YaST showed that printing was not enabled for hp#1. So we enabled it. Now it prints (all three previous attempts) without the header in the correct position.

Problem solved.